Enhancing the Retail Floral Experience

We want to be the best at what we do - not only by providing top quality product, but by helping our customers improve their entire orchid experience. It's not enough to get our plants on shelves, we want our retail partners to feel  empowered to talk about orchid care, we want to help improve in-store sell-through rates and reduce shrink, and most importantly we want to turn ever orchid retailer into an "Orchid Ambassador".
Write your awesome label here.
CosMic Plants Inc. is a greenhouse operation  located in the heart of the  Niagara Peninsula, in Ontario. Established in 2004, CosMic Plants produces nearly 2 million Phalaenopsis Orchids year-round. Our greenhouse facilities make use of the most modern equipment and systems to maintain a continuous supply of these beautiful flowering tropical plants.
CosMic Plants’ Orchids are produced with a longer growth cycle, and they are given more space and light than at most other Orchid greenhouses. This results in more blooms per plant, stronger root systems, more resilient plants and a longer shelf-life!

Why Orchid University?

Orchid University was born from the realization that there is often a gap of product knowledge when it come to orchids in the market place. We want to close that gap!
After conducting an in store market research project, we found an overwhelming amount of misinformation and stigma attached to orchids in the market place. The most common statement associated with them was " I love orchids but I always kill them!", or that they are hard or tricky to care for. This couldn't be further from fact, and truthfully, most people who think they're killing them aren't! 
We love welcoming our trade partners into our greenhouse and sharing our process of propagation, growing and care - so we wanted to bring the experience to the frontline market, sharing our love and knowledge with everyone who comes in contact with our product.
 The true goal of Orchid University is to help all floral industry employees share in our enthusiasm, feel empowered to speak confidently to their customers and make the most common statement we hear about orchids "I love them! You will too!"

Our Partners

We're so proud to share that these incredible floral partners have already taken the steps to become certified Orchid Ambassadors and elevate their floral retail experience.

Are you ready to elevate your floral experience?

Contact our Orchid University Team to find out more about how to get your business registered